This retreat from the busyness of my life recently leaves me with a sense of an ending of not just a chapter in my life but perhaps a season. Is that why I find it easier to de clutter and let go of things that I had been clinging to? It’s as if something is around the corner but I’ve no idea what. Making space just for that sense you get when you look out at a fabulous sky. I love Kate’s lyrics too. Great choice of that line against your photo today. Thanks for sharing your writing. I appreciate the calmness that arises in me when I read your words.

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Thank you Ann. I like your words about closing “not just a chapter in my life but perhaps a season.” Walking down the hill just now I could feel autumn, arriving on the wind. And I was glad.

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The sacred pause. It’s so wise to know when to stop and sense the wholeness of just being. It should be on prescription. As should Kate.

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Thank you. Particularly for calling my decision wise. And for sharing my appreciation of Kate Bush, of course.

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Ronnie, follow your blog with interest. I met you many years ago when I was working with working with Riverside. I can understand your feelings, poised as though waiting for something to happen, a signal to inspire.

I am 72 now and “retired” from real work a couple of years ago but really a photographer never retires.

In my late 60’s I too felt poised, waiting for something to happen, despite the fact that I was kept very busy looking after elderly relatives and friends. So much so that I was distracted from real work.

I found solace with family and friends and also in a weekly meeting of a local group of co-workers, Jelly Crosby, (Mary Earnshaw is one of the group) which provided enough distraction from the reality and harshness of everyday life.

I think what you may be going through is something that happens to many of us at a certain age, we loose pace and the drive to carry on with work after a life of working and seek new horizons that will bring us relaxation in retirement.

Keep writing, we all benefit from contact and if you ever fancy a walk on Crosby beach and a chat then feel free to contact me.

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